I would like to introduce you to Trouble and Cheeky. I have two sons. Cheeky is 3 years old and Trouble is 15 months old as of yesterday.
I know it goes against all of the parenting books to label your children, especially to the point that the eldest actually refers to his brother as Trouble.
Cheeky is a firstborn, cautious and self-aware. He is also determined, smart, sensitive and loving but independent, my introvert, and definitely cheeky.
Trouble on the other hand, has his father’s easy going calm nature and a great sense of adventure. I am still learning about him, but he is fun and free and happy and cute beyond measure.
When Cheeky falls off a chair (or some other hypothetical situation, ahem…) I believe he thinks, “you know, that hurt an awful lot, I shall be more careful the next time I am on that chair.” (I’m not that far off, for some unknown reason – this child actually uses the word “shall” – don’t look at me).
Now Trouble on the other hand, should he ever fall off a chair, he will think, “you know, that hurt an awful lot, but not THAT much, let us find somewhere higher and see what happens…”
I remember my friend talking about her daughter how she had a thousand names for her – all from love.
And that’s like my Trouble and Cheeky. They are also Squeaky and Squishy, angel and cherished one, stinky bum and well, stinky bum, and many more. There are too many emotions and situations to only call them by just one name. Also, I hope they develop a good sense of humour about themselves too – we might as well laugh at ourselves, to quote Joyce Meyer “we’re about the funniest thing we know”.
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