Sunday, April 26, 2009


I have been best friends with Michelle since we were 5 years old. She had her first baby just 5 weeks before my first, and has since been my tip-off to what is coming next in my firstborn’s development. As her child is a girl, 5 weeks older, and definitely on the advanced side of things, I usually have some prep time before my eldest shows the same signs.

Michelle is now going through, the “why” stage. Everything is “why mommy” from her little girl. So I have therefore been watching my kid very closely for signs of the “why”. Instead I think I am dealing with something just as amusing (or frustrating). I have entered the “what kind of” zone.

Let me explain:
Me: Look at the digger
Him: What kind of digger?
Me: A yellow digger
Him: What kind of yellow digger?
Me: A big yellow digger
Him: What kind of big yellow digger?

You see where this is going. This is where my husband tries to see how much the boy can remember and continues the adjective game on and on…

I told him the other day that we were going to go somewhere tomorrow – and of course, he asked me “what kind of tomorrow”. How do you not laugh.

Sigh. And sometimes cry a little.

We may still get to “why why why why why why” but until then, “what kind of why?”.

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