Friday, January 15, 2010


It has dawned on me over the last week that I am officially old enough.

Officially old enough to not be considered “young” anymore to anyone.
Officially old enough to write my own autobiography.
And officially old enough to know better.

It hit me when I was driving to an event through some pretty thick fog. Good thing the roads in my community don’t have street lights or road shoulders or even markers where the road drops off 20 feet down the right side. Anyways. I realized that in my years of driving that I had rarely driven through fog. And then came the “hit me” part. I’ve been driving for 20 years.

And then; I’ve been working for 20 years! Apparently my 16th year was very significant for me.

(Please don’t make me do the math for you about how old I am now...)

20 years is a long time.

I am just working through an 8 week “course” from Darren Hardy that is about setting life goals. It starts with taking an account of your life, taking an account of your blessings and values and desires and THEN moves onto goal setting once the foundation has been set.

In the last 20 years I have gotten to know myself, found I don’t know myself at all, driven through snow and ice and nice weather, travelled, married, given birth, nursed my children, opened a new business, gotten to know myself again, cried and laughed with many good deep friends, cried and laughed at myself, set goals, accomplished goals, failed, succeeded, ran, slept and admired beauty. I’ve read a thousand books and have a thousand more I want to read. It’s been a good 20 years. Thank you to my 16 year old self for starting somewhere – even if was only a drive to 7-11. Thank you for getting off your ass and getting it done. Cheers sweety, I love you.

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