Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nutrition 101

Nutrition will, I believe, always be a challenge for anyone who feeds a family. My little family has a number of strikes against us.

(1) I am the primary food provider and I don’t like to cook. Bake yes. Cook no. What this means is that my kids eat a great breakfast and a wonderful muffin for snack and the rest is a bit sketchy.
(2) I am a vegetarian. The rest are not. Meat, even when cooked yucks me out. I’m working on this.
(3) The 3 year old is in the very picky stage and the only fruit he will eat is raspberries – not MIXED berries, no no no, only raspberries. Oh ya, and pasta – with ketchup only. The other will eat most of anything. Mostly. But rarely will all 3 (son #1, son #2, dad) eat the same thing on the same night. Sigh.
(4) Did I mention that cooking does nothing for my joy of life? (do I sound winey yet?)

So I went to a seminar for “nutrition” – which was really a plug for Juice+Plus supplements. Good idea. Costly. Not sure if I could even get them to eat that. I’ll check into it - it HAS to be better than gummy bear vitamins…

So, I plan my menu every week now – try to get at least yogurt and raspberries and brown rice down their throats every week and try not to count the number of cinnamon toast sandwiches we’ve had in one day! (Is Mr. Christy a food group???) I’ve done all the tricks – added veggies to pasta sauce, cut up healthy stuff using fun shaped cookie cutters – bribed them with, well, unhealthy food (oops – that one back fired). Anyways, the moral of the story is. We’re not doing so bad and I think I’m just encouraging one of them to pursue a career as a chef, even if it’s just for the survival of family.

They’ll always love my French toast…

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